Frequently Asked Questions
If you’re here, you’re ready to move forward.
The questions to ask yourself are these:
“How is my body feeling?”
“How is my mind feeling?”
“How am I feeling in my life?”
If any of these aren’t where you want them to be then a session could help.
If you’re experiencing pain, stress, anxiety, fatigue, a busy mind or lack of clarity.
If you’re exhaustively repeating patterns you know aren’t working for you.
If you’re feeling stuck in life and despite willing in change, you can’t seem to gain any traction.
Those are all telling you something needs a deeper level of attention.
I love them both equally.
Yet they are indeed very different.
Spinal Flow® is a hands-on “through the body first” (somatic) technique. Using light touches on the access points along the head and spine we gently dissolve tensions and spinal blockages. This works to realign the posture, release physical symptoms and free the nervous system.
With a free nervous system, messages between your brain and body are now able to travel without impedance.
And the two are able to communicate as they should.
Your system moves away from defence and protection (fight/flight) and into physical/emotional integration and healing.
Symptoms begin to abate and you start feeling a whole lot better.
You start wanting to feel even better. And even better. And even better again.
As sessions progress you’ll naturally develop a deeper relationship between your mind, body and spirit.
This becomes holistic.
You’ll learn to recognise when tensions are arising - and release them yourself. You’ll start to respect and appreciate your body’s everlasting ferver for this type of healing.
And this new relationship becomes a good one.
Frequency Healing is a hands-off session where distance between us has no meaning.
I believe there’s an alignment - an entrainment of sorts. A speaking with your body, your mind and your higher awareness.
This is very peaceful, and people often feel a sense of being held or supported.
You may experience pain shift (during or after the session), the nervous system even, an energy increase, a clarity about your life settle in, or a new state of mind that ultimately creates a new state of reality in your world.
While I’m the catalyst for the session, ultimately I respect it’s the deeper aspects of yourself, your body and your mind that will move what is ready to move, and agree on how far along that spectrum you’re ready to go in this particular moment. And when you’re ready for the next session, we move further along again.
The question I would ask when choosing a session type is “which one speaks to you?”
That’s the one ; >
The ‘Book Your Session’ button will take you to the ‘Contact’ page. Complete the details and I’ll come back to confirm a time with you.
If you’re coming to see me in person, our session/s will be in Manly on the Northern Beaches, Sydney - just a 5 minute walk from the ferry.
Please note as I’m in Sydney Australia, the booking will be made in Australian Eastern Standard Time (AEST).
For my International clients, on the Contact page you’ll see a time zone converter linked for you.
Absolutely. Text me directly on 0422 270 389 and let me know what’s happening. I’ll make every effort to accommodate you.
Spinal Flow
Spinal Flow Initial Consult 75 mins, $150
Spinal Flow Follow Up 45 mins, $90
Spinal Flow Follow Up Bring a Friend 45 mins, $80 pp (same group session)
Spinal Flow Private Session 45 mins (prior discussion only), $140
Spinal Flow Session Package 10 x 45 mins, $850
Frequency Healing
Frequency Healing Session $275
Frequency Healing Session Package 3 sessions, $775
Frequency Healing Specific Focus (see FAQs below) 30 mins, $90
In our first session I’ll want to hear about what’s happening for you. I’ll conduct some mobility and postural assessments, and then you’ll lie down on the massage table so I can have a feel of what your body has to say.
I will explain what I find, with some answers as to why you might be feeling the way you are.
We’ll cover in more detail how Spinal Flow can help you, and in the second part of the session we begin the healing.
You’ll be lying comfortably on the table and listening to relaxing music, while I’ll be working with the access points along your head and spine.
The only thing for you to do is be in awareness of what you’re feeling in your body, and breathe / move with it as it asks you to.
Most people find the sessions to be deep, peaceful, illuminating, relieving and relaxing.
You may feel more movement, more breath, and more energy flowing through your body, which could feel like a wave moving up and along your spine.
You may feel various sensations, including tensions melting and a feeling of your body structurally reorganising itself.
And there can be quite a lot of reorganising going on in there! Your body may move big, move small, or very little. It’s doing exactly what it needs to do.
The more attention and awareness you’re in with your body during session, I believe the greater the results you’ll see.
This isn’t a time to think, but to feel.
Trust me on this one.
This depends entirely on what’s happening for you.
Some people come multiple times a week if their symptoms are acute.
For others, it’s less frequent.
Once we’ve done an initial assessment we’ll have a better idea of what’s happening for you, and from there we can craft a plan together.
As with anything, frequency creates results.
Something to note: your health sits on a spectrum.
Health is not just an absence of symptoms.
The more we continue to remove what’s in the way, the healthier and more regulated our nervous system, the clearer a channel we become, and the more we’re able to access higher states of connection and awareness.
The question I’ll keep coming back to is - how far along the spectrum would you like to go?
Please bring socks, and pants with a very thin, light, preferably high waist band.
Please – no jeans, or any thick yoga leggings with the raised ridges/seams that run across the sacrum area – you know the ones.
We want the best access we can get to this area!
We can move a lot in one session!
Your body will be working to find it’s new alignment and integrate the shifts we’ve made.
This can even last for some time afterward, including at home and over the following days.
Post session I’ll ask you to take a brief walk to assist with this, so make sure you allow enough time.
As your body is moving into a better position and we’re letting go of compensations, you may feel muscles you haven’t felt in a while. So don’t be surprised if you’re a little sore in new areas.
As we shift chemical and / or emotional tone you may find yourself feeling a bit yuk or having feelings come up.
These are all normal as your body moves things through to release and adjust. Just allow for it.
It’s also possible you may experience some dizziness immediately after the session which can take some time to clear.
This is normal but again make sure you allow time and consider your transport arrangements.
You may also experience none of the above, and just leave feeling great.
Oh, very.
We both share the philosophy of a self healing body. We also share the belief that removing blockages in your spine will positively affect not only the structure of your body, but the healthy function of your nervous system.
With the nervous system being the master controller of all things life, it’s an important philosophy to share.
How we go about this is the fork in the road.
A Chiropractor will relieve back pain/structural dysfunction, and improve posture through physical manipulation of the spine. They find the problem spot (subluxation) and through pushes, thrusts and other physical techniques, bring you back into alignment. From the outside-in.
Spinal Flow® uses light touches along the access points of the head and spine, and as the body sees these as places of ease, moves to expand this ease further through the spine via a spinal wave - softening and releasing blockages on it’s way. From the inside-out.
Spinal Flow® is gentle. It respects the intelligence of your body in choosing what it releases and when, in the safety of it’s own movement, in it’s own timing (which FYI, can be fast), and in the way it deems most effective.
We believe your body knows best.
Plus, it feels really gooood.
I commend the Chiropractors of the world, they do wonderful work.
If however you’re having symptoms, have been considering a Chiropractor (or Physiotherapist) yet would like to experience another way - come and see how you feel about this.
Let it win you over.
We’ll simply talk for a few minutes at the beginning and you can let me know anything you’d like.
You’ll be lying down comfortably on a massage table in my office for an in-person session or if it’s remote, a place of your choosing at home.
The session will be non-contact and you’ll be fully clothed with shoes removed.
Quite simply it’ll look like my hands are moving around quietly.
What is happening at a deeper level is of course, much more profound.
Everyone has their own experience during a session, and each of their sessions can be different from the last.
You might see imagery or colours, sense vibrations, feel warmth, or waves moving through. You may notice curious sensations you’ve never experienced until now.
You might develop insight into a specific area of your life you didn’t have before. There may be tears. Or not. You could also feel like you’re in a place between wakefulness and sleep, or have a feeling of being held and supported.
Or, you could feel your body listening intently while your mind’s distracted ticking over about lunch.
This is ok too.
Some bodies move, and some bodies are quiet.
Almost universally people feel simultaneous attentiveness and deep calm.
Just prepare to be present. That’s really it.
Of course, we’ll want a place that’s quiet and free from distraction.
Also, make sure you allow enough time post session to save you rushing back into life.
Your body may want to move at a different pace afterward – and that pace may be slow.
Each session will take you further along the spectrum from where you currently are.
I recommend 3 sessions, then leaving it for a while to see how things unfold.
This can be a deeply transformative process. Sometimes the shifts are tangible and immediate, and sometimes they take time.
I really believe giving them time to show up in your world, so you’re in awareness of how you’re shifting can be as important as the shifts themselves.
This should be unfolding for you, yet also with you.
This is exactly how you awareness expands and you become your own healer.
If you’re committed to the 3 sessions, make sure you select this option in the booking form. There’s option to book only 3 in advance as I’d prefer to wait and see where you feel you are at that point.
You may just not need me by then ; >
Having said this it’s completely up to you. If you’d like to just have the 1 session and you feel that’s enough for you, that’s great.
If you’ve had your 3 sessions, it’s now further down the track and you’re ready for another, I’m here.
Absolutely not! There is nothing for you to do but just be there, and relax.
Again, this is unique to everyone.
Most people report a sense of renewed energy, calm, and a clarity they didn’t have before.
Many also note a degree of life progression. Doors that once seemed closed, open more easily and they find themselves in a state of flow.
Some have spiritual awakenings, or spiritual transformations.
It stands to reason that once we’re in a new state of mind, our outside world will start reflecting that.
The most common reporting, certainly to me is that life just becomes “easier.”
Some people of course leave a session without the physical pain they arrived with.
People have reported relief from things such as:
Fibromyalgia symptoms
Chronic Fatigue
Chronic Pain
Physical injury
Low energy
Feeling stuck
Emotional disconnection
For a remote/distance healing:
Find somewhere comfortable to relax.
I’ll meet you at our scheduled time via the Zoom video call platform.
I will have sent you an email with the details and a link to join the meeting.
Make sure your video and microphone are on and ready to go.
We’ll talk for a few min, and then you’ll lie down and we’ll begin the session.
Don’t worry, we’ll have time to adjust things around once we’re on the call.
For remote/distance healing I use the Zoom video call platform.
This is a shorter session (up to 30 mins) to focus on shifting something presenting physically in your body in the moment.
This will most likely be physical pain, but it could also be anxiety / overwhelm where we just need to bring some ease and calm back into your system there and then.
I’m currently trialling this option to see who gets the most benefit.
It might be existing clients in-between sessions, or someone new with a single focus.
One of the reasons I’m doing this is in response to conversations with existing clients. They’ve told me at times they’d wanted something in between sessions to shift something new, small, or specific.
They weren’t ready for their next session just yet so were holding out, and sometimes struggling. I don’t want this. Especially if we can get relatively quick relief in that moment.
An example could be someone with Fibromyalgia, or Chronic Fatigue where we’ve made some good progress, but where new symptoms can show up unexpectedly. Or someone could have a new injury such as pulling their neck riding horses (you know who you are).
So this is an option in part for them.
And also new people with something they’re ready to see the back of.
So if any of this is you, even if you haven’t yet seen me for a session, send me a message and I may be able to help you with some relief just with this.
Here are some examples to give you an idea of whether this is for you:
1. A person with Fibromyalgia is having a flare up, is in pain, and is seeking relief. Of course when a person has this condition I would absolutely recommend full sessions - however if it’s a case of needing help in the moment to see them through - then this would suit a special focus session.
2. A person has an injury they believe has structurally healed but is still causing them some unexplained pain (ie a broken bone). This would suit a special focus session.
3. A person is feeling very stressed, anxious or overwhelmed, and needs help bringing some calm into their nervous system and body – a special focus session could help with bringing in some peace.
If you’re still not sure - I’m here, just ask.
These are shorter sessions.
They’re very effective in dealing with what’s presenting in your body right now.
They’re not by any means a substitute for the significance and depth of a full length session.
They are very different experiences.
Also, every person and every pain is different. We may be able to completely shift this for you, or we may be able to shift some portion of it.
Sometimes it lasts and sometimes it may return in part. It may take 2-3 sessions to really move it on before it holds.
It’s a case of seeing how you respond and working from there.
Let it be said I’m not a fan of the term “energy healing”.
Everything is energy. So it’s not very specific.
But alas, I accept it’s become an umbrella term used to describe modalities of this stripe. So, ok.
I share similarities with some energy healing modalities you may be aware of (such as the all familiar Reiki, of which I’m a fan).
But with others there are also differences.
In some energy healing modalities the healer opens themselves up to higher source energy and acts as a channel to then make that energy available for the recipients body to use as the body decides. In others, the healer scans and identifies areas of energy blockages or stagnation, and guides or directs the flow of energy around the body to move things through. This means a varying degree of a healers’ energy or influence is involved.
In our sessions I am not a channel, but a catalyst. The energy is not coming through me, and out to you. I initiate the connection between you and the source intelligence (let’s call it this), and then we both enter a state of receivership.
You may say “well, so?”.
Here’s why it’s significant. Really significant.
The connection between you is direct. It is not subject to, or limited by me. I’m not intervening. Any healing, shifts and new agreements about life advancements are made directly between you and the source of intelligence you’re connecting with.
I believe this is why the results we see are so clean, relevant, powerful and profound.
This is a fair question.
Yes, it’s often been the case when I work that pain has fallen away.
Sometimes it’s temporary and sometimes it’s permanent.
Sometimes something else shifts instead.
Some will have deep relaxation and a sense of inner peace.
Some will feel something profound.
Your body and mind will respond the way they respond, and what will shift, will shift.
We’re working with a field of intelligence far more expansive than our own, and far more equipped to move us in ways that are right for where we are in this moment.
My advice is to arrive without specific expectation, and in trust.
Then let’s see what unfolds for you.
Come heal.