Spinal Energetics
An interaction with your spine and nervous system
via the energetic layers
to shift, unwind and release you
– physically, mentally, emotionally & spiritually –
The Third Eye Chakra
Our bodies hold the stories of our lives
And of our lives before this one.
And of our ancestors. And their ancestors before them.
Our thoughts, emotions, stories and beliefs about ourselves and our place in the world. They’re showing us how safe we believe it is to be here, and how safe we believe it is to be us – here.
They show us the ever-evolving picture of this, always.
They show us what we’re holding, where, and why.
And the where is very telling.
With Spinal Energetics we seek to understand what the body is trying to tell us through the tension it’s storing in each centre of your body.
And then we seek to shift it.
The Throat Chakra
Spinal Energetics releases layers
With Spinal Energetics we use light touch on the body, moving out into the energetic field to discover, shift, unwind and release the patterns of tension, trauma and resistance held in your system.
We’re connecting on a physical, mental, emotional and spiritual level.
And we’re asking these patterns to let go.
Until your nervous system feels safer.
And you’re able to start relating to the world through a new lens.
You feel more like you. Just you. Before all of this.
I promise you’re still in there.
The language of the body is very different to the language of the mind
The Heart Chakra
We must communicate differently
The language of the body is touch, energy, and sound.
I’m not moving my client. And neither is she, really.
The movements in Spinal Energetics are natural and instinctive.
They’re coming from a connection to the wisdom within her.
The same is within us.
It moves us, when we call it to.
But I am guiding her. Supporting her. And collaborating with her.
Encouraging her energy to move into those places that seek release.
And I’m holding space for whatever comes up to be felt and moved through safely.
The movements and sounds are natural and primordial, driven by an individual’s energy, intuition and instinct
The Solar Plexus Chakra
Why does the body move this way?
Because your body is intelligent.
When given the right environment to feel it’s safe to let go, your body will compel you to move in a way that releases the tension.
Which could be through breath, vocalising, stretching, or shaking.
When we heal a cut or mend a break, we don’t direct this.
It’s not a conscious process - your body knows exactly what to do.
With healing more personal aspects, the body does need a little more.
With our Spinal Energetics sessions we need to provide the right contacts, signals and cues to let the body know we’re in a safe place.
We do this by cultivating connection, intuition, awareness and trust.
We create this relationship…and magic happens.
This is all about feel - the body’s way
Thank you to my client for sharing.
The Sacral Chakra
This session is awe inspiring to watch
It’s a session rich with awareness, connection, movement, release and what my client calls....“play.”
She barely needs me here. I’m just holding space, bearing witness and moving with her energy.
Leading her into new parts of herself so she can delve further to experience them.
And delve (or play) she does.
This person really embodies what it is to “feel” – the body’s way.
Remembering – this is her body’s way.
Yours will be yours ; >
We’re not always looking for big movement
The Base Chakra
Your body will move how your body moves
There’s plenty of footage showing the deep, connected, cathartic movement that can happen as we progress in our sessions.
And that’s exciting.
But to be clear - I am never looking for big movement.
What I am looking for….is CONNECTION.
My measure is the release of tension patterns in the body and how in tune you are with yourself on the table.
Some sessions you may move a lot, some a little, some not at all.
Especially in the beginning.
And as you’re nervous system is dealing with different aspects of life at different times, so too will your movement on the table reflect that.
Let’s also never underestimate what’s happening beneath the surface.
Some of the most profound shifts happen in a profoundly still body.
Spinal Energetics, created by Dr Sarah Jane
Dr Sarah is an avid seeker of what is it to experience true connection to self.
Across culture, race and religion. Across clinical and spiritual persuasion.
But most of all she’s very, very human. I appreciate her most for this.
Spinal Energetics is diverse in its influences, including;
Network Spinal, Kundalini Activation Process, Alpha Alignment, Shamanism, Inner Dance, Reiki, Esoteric Acupuncture, Craniosacral Therapy, Transpersonal Psychotherapy, Trauma Release and Pranayama.
With the incorporation of philosophies of Buddhism, Hinduism, Chinese Medicine, Yogic and Meditative traditions.
Read more about Spinal Energetics
*Artwork created by Miriam Collins exclusively for Spinal Energetics. See more of her creations at notwithoutmiri
Come heal.